Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom


The following UK Prime Ministers attended university (for their bachelor's degree) at either Oxford or Cambridge. Thus, of the 60 Prime Ministers to date, 45 studied at Oxbridge, 11 did not go to university (most recently Winston Churchill and John Major), and only 4, Earl Russell, Neville Chamberlain, Gordon Brown, and Keir Starmer went to other universities (Edinburgh, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Leeds respectively).

14 attended Cambridge (including 6 at Trinity), and 31 attended Oxford (including 14 at Christ Church). For more info on UK Prime Ministers, try Wikipedia.

PMPM dates College
Robert Walpole1721-1742King's, Cambridge
Earl of Wilmington1742-1743Trinity, Oxford
Henry Pelham1743-1746Hart Hall, Oxford
Earl of Bath1746Christ Church, Oxford
Duke of Newcastle1754-1756Clare, Cambridge
George Grenville1763-1765Christ Church, Oxford
Marquess of Rockingham1765-1766
St John's, Cambridge
Earl of Chatham1766-1768Trinity, Oxford
Duke of Grafton1768-1770Peterhouse, Cambridge
Lord North1770-1782Trinity, Oxford
Earl of Shelburne1782-1783Christ Church, Oxford
Duke of Portland1783
Christ Church, Oxford
William Pitt1783-1801
Pembroke, Cambridge
Henry Addington1801-1804Brasenose, Oxford
Baron Grenville1806-1807Christ Church, Oxford
Spencer Perceval1809-1812Trinity, Cambridge
Earl of Liverpool1812-1827Christ Church, Oxford
George Canning1827Christ Church, Oxford
Viscount Goderich1827-1828St John's, Cambridge
Earl Grey1830-1834Trinity, Cambridge
Viscount Melbourne1834Trinity, Cambridge
Robert Peel1841-1846Christ Church, Oxford
Earl of Derby1852
Christ Church, Oxford
Earl of Aberdeen1852-1855St John's, Cambridge
Viscount Palmerston1855-1858
St John's, Cambridge
William Gladstone1868-1874
Christ Church, Oxford
Marquess of Salisbury1885-1886
Christ Church, Oxford
Earl of Rosebery1894-1895Christ Church, Oxford
Arthur Balfour1902-1905Trinity, Cambridge
Henry Campbell-Bannerman1905-1908Trinity, Cambridge
Herbert Asquith1908-1916Balliol, Oxford
Stanley Baldwin1923-1924
Trinity, Cambridge
Clement Atlee1945-1951University, Oxford
Anthony Eden1955-1957Christ Church, Oxford
Harold Macmillan1957-1963Balliol, Oxford
Alec Douglas-Home1963-1964Christ Church, Oxford
Harold Wilson1964-1970
Jesus, Oxford
Edward Heath1970-1974Balliol, Oxford
Margaret Thatcher1979-1990Somerville, Oxford
Tony Blair1997-2007St John's, Oxford
David Cameron2010-2016Brasenose, Oxford
Theresa May2016-2019St Hugh's, Oxford
Boris Johnson2019-2022Balliol, Oxford
Liz Truss2022-2022Merton, Oxford
Rishi Sunak2022-2024Lincoln, Oxford